Why add manganese sulfate monohydrate in chicken feed in winter?
Winter and spring is a busy season for chicken to incubate. At this time, the farmer often add some appropriate amount of manganese sulfate in chicken feeds. What's it for?
Nutrient element manganese is a activation agent of various enzyme, which plays an important role in chickens’ growth and reproduction. Manganese defficiency may happens in 3 ~ 6 weeks of chicks that its bone growth abnormal, or leg stubing, bending. Manganese defficiency may happens in chicken embryo deformity that makes leg become short, wings too, which is similar to the ball. Therefore, manganese defficiency can cause hatchability reduce.
Manganese element adding generally begins from winter until spring. For layers, breeding hens, every 100 kilograms of feeds need manganese sulfate monohydrate 8 grams. With this proportion, it can meet the chikens’ demand.
Nutrient element manganese is a activation agent of various enzyme, which plays an important role in chickens’ growth and reproduction. Manganese defficiency may happens in 3 ~ 6 weeks of chicks that its bone growth abnormal, or leg stubing, bending. Manganese defficiency may happens in chicken embryo deformity that makes leg become short, wings too, which is similar to the ball. Therefore, manganese defficiency can cause hatchability reduce.
Manganese element adding generally begins from winter until spring. For layers, breeding hens, every 100 kilograms of feeds need manganese sulfate monohydrate 8 grams. With this proportion, it can meet the chikens’ demand.
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