How to solve the problem if Chili affected bacterial wilt
Bacterial wilt is a kind of
bacterial diseases, which could be prevented and controlled by manganese
sulfate solution. This disease can affect many crops such as tomatoes,
potatoes, carrots, peppers. Affected pepper’s top leaves would blight but recover
at night or in cloudy day. 2 or 3 days later, the plants remain green though withered.
For Bacterial wilt pathogens prefers
acid soil, adjustment on soil PH can effectively suppress the occurrence of the
disease in basal dressing. Fertilize hydrated lime powder 100 kilograms for each
1/15 acre to keep soil neutral or slightly acidic. In addition, spraying
micronutrient fertilizer solution on plant could promote the growth and
development of vascular bundle and enhance plant’s disease resistance. Since
flowering period, manganese sulfate mixture solution could be sprayed 50 ~ 60
kg, once every 10 to 20 days, totally 2 ~ 3 times.
Except manganese sulfate spraying could treat the capsicum
bacterial wilt, land rotation also can effectively reduce the bacteria and the
disease occurrence.